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Kommunikationspsychologie und Neue Medien



Mihalca, L., Ratiu, L., Mengelkamp, C., Brendea, G., & Metz, D. (2024). The role of self-regulatory abilities in predicting performance while teleworking: A cross-sectional and a panel study during the COVID-19 pandemic. Human Resource Development Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrdq.21523

Winkler, J. R., Mengelkamp, C., & Appel, M. (2022). Real-time responses to stories: Linking valence shifts to post-exposure emotional flow and transportation. Communication Research Reports, 39(5), 237-247. https://doi.org/10.1080/08824096.2022.2119380

Appel, M., & Mengelkamp, C. (2022). Watching videos on a smartphone: Do small screens impair narrative transportation? Media Psychology 25(5), 653-674. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2021.2025109

Grundgeiger, T., Ertle, F., Diethei, D., Mengelkamp, C., & Held, V. (2022). Improving procedural skills acquisition of students during medical device training: experiments on e-Learning vs. e-Learning with hands-on. Advances in Health Sciences Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-022-10148-0

Mihalca, L., Mengelkamp, C., Brendea, G., & Metz, D. (2022). Job attribute preferences of incoming university students and newly-hired employees in the context of the romanian labour market. Journal of East European Management Studies, 27(1), 31-63. https://doi.org/10.5771/0949-6181-2022-1-31

Mihalca, L., & Mengelkamp, C. (2020). Effects of induced levels of prior knowledge on monitoring accuracy and performance when learning from self-regulated problem solving. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(4), 795-810. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000389

Pieger, E., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2018). Disfluency as a desirable difficulty – The effects of letter deletion on monitoring and performance. Frontiers in Education - Educational Psychology, 3, Aricle101. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2018.00101

Deublein, A., Pfeifer, A., Merbach, K., Bruckner, K., Mengelkamp, C., & Lugrin, B. (2018). Scaffolding of motivation in learning using a social robot. Computers & Education, 125, 182-190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2018.06.015

Münchow, H., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2017). The better you feel the better you learn -  Do warm colours and rounded shapes enhance learning outcome in multimedia learning? Educational Research International, 2017, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2148139

Mihalca, L., Mengelkamp, C., & Schnotz, W. (2017). Accuracy of metacognitive judgments as a moderator of learner control effectiveness in problem-solving tasks. Metacognition and Learning,12, 357-379. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11409-017-9173-2 

Pieger, E., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2017). Fostering analytic metacognitive processes and reducing overconfidence by disfluency: The role of contrast-effects. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31, 291–301. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.3326 

Pieger, E., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2016). Metacognitive judgments and disfluency - Does disfluency lead to more accurate judgments, better control, and better performance? Learning and Instruction., 44, 31-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2016.01.012

Grundgeiger, T., Kolb, L., Korb, M. O., Mengelkamp, C., & Held, V. (2015). Training students to use syringe pumps: An experimental comparison of e-learning and classroom training. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 61(2), 211-220. https://doi.org/10.1515/bmt-2014-0116

Bannert, M., Sonnenberg, C., Mengelkamp, C., & Pieger, E. (2015). Short- and long-term effects of students’ self-directed metacognitive prompts on navigation behavior and learning performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 52, 293-306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2015.05.038

Mihalca, L., Mengelkamp, C., Schnotz, W., & Paas, F. (2015). Completion problems can reduce the illusions of understanding in a computer-based learning environment on genetics. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 41, 157–171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2015.01.001 

Schnotz, W., Mengelkamp, C., Baadte, C., & Hauck, G. (2014). Focus of Attention and Choice of Text Modality in Multimedia Learning. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 29, 483-501. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-013-0209-y

Frey, A., Mengelkamp, C., & Riebel, J. (2010). Ein Vergleich von theoriegeleiteter und faktorenanalytischer Skalenbildung beim Beobachtungsbogen für Kinder (BBK 3-6). Empirische Pädagogik, 24, 224-244.

Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2010). Accuracy of confidence judgments: Stability and generality in the learning process and predictive validity for learning outcome. Memory and Cognition, 38, 441-451. https://doi.org/10.3758/MC.38.4.441

Bannert, M., Hildebrand, M., & Mengelkamp, C. (2009). Effects of a metacognitive support device in learning environments. Computers in Human Behaviour, 25, 829–835. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2008.07.002

Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2009). Judgements about knowledge: searching for factors that influence their validity. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 7(1), 163-190.

Bannert, M., & Mengelkamp, C. (2008). Assessment of metacognitive skills by means of instruction to think aloud and reflect when prompted. Does the verbalisation method affect learning? Metacognition and Learning, 3, 39-58. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11409-007-9009-6

Frey, A., & Mengelkamp, C. (2007). Auswirkungen von Sport und Bewegung auf die Entwicklung von Kindergartenkindern. Bildungsforschung, 4(1), 1-19.

Lang, D., Mengelkamp, C., Jäger, R. S., Geoffroy, D., Billaud, M., & Zimmer, T. (2007). Pedagogical evaluation in eMerge project.European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(1), 57-72. https://doi.org/10.1080/03043790601055626

Mengelkamp, C., & Jäger, R. S. (2007). Self-estimates of attention performance. Psychology Science, 49, 223-237.

Lang, D., Mengelkamp, C., & Jäger, R. S. (2004). Entwicklung von Testverfahren zur Berufsberatung von Schülern. Empirische Pädagogik, 18, 281-302.

Buchkapitel, Konferenzbeiträge und Andere Veröffentlichungen

Appel, M., Hutmacher, F., Mengelkamp, C., Stein, J.-P., & Weber, S. (Eds.). (2023). Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1

Mengelkamp, C. (2023). Lernen mit digitalen Medien. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Eds.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (pp. 125–138). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_9

Trepte, S., Reinecke, L., Gimmler, R., Gleich, U., Winter, S., Frischlich, L., Krämer, N., Appel, M., Hutmacher, F., Mengelkamp, C., Stein J.-P., & Weber, S. (2023). Berufsfelder der Medienpsychologie. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:100-opus-21288

Mengelkamp, C., & Baadte, C. (2018). Einsatz von Medien im Schulunterricht (2. Aufl.). In I. C. Vogel (Ed.), Kommunikation in der Schule (pp. 152-176). Klinkhardt UTB.

Diethei, D., Ertle, F., Grundgeiger, T., Mengelkamp, C., & Held, V. (2017). E-Learning vs. E-Learning with Hands-on: An Experimental Study to Improve Clinical Skills. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61, 660-660. https://doi.org/10.1177/1541931213601651

Mihalca, L., Schnotz, W., & Mengelkamp, C. (2015). Self-regulation in computer-based learning environments: effects of learner characteristics and instructional support. In W. Schnotz, A. Kauertz, H. Ludwig, A. Müller & J. Pretsch (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Research on Teaching and Learning (pp. 44-67). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137467744_3 

Bannert, M., & Mengelkamp, C. (2013). Scaffolding Hypermedia Learning through Metacognitive Prompts. In R. Azevedo & V. Aleven. (Eds). International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies (pp. 171-186). Springer Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-5546-3_12 

Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2012). Confidence judgments in learning. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopledia of the sciences of learning (pp. 756-759). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6

Schnotz, W., Baadte, C., Johnson, A., & Mengelkamp, C. (2012). Knowledge acquisition from verbal and pictorial information. In J. R. Kirby & M. L. Lawson (Eds.), Enhancing the quality of learning (pp. 339-365). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139048224.019

Mengelkamp, C., Brock, K., Teuscher, B., Schmid, S., Streib, A., & Jäger, R. S. (2010). Stabilität und Validität von Maßen der metakognitiven Überwachung während einer Vorlesung. In B. Schwarz, P. Nenniger & R. S. Jäger (Eds.), Erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung - nachhaltige Bildung. Beiträge zur 5. DGfE-Sektionstagung Empirische Bildungsforschung / AEPF-KBBB im Frühjahr 2009 (Vol. 28, pp. 324-329). Verlag Empirische Pädagogik.

Mengelkamp, C. (2009). Metakognitionen zur Aufmerksamkeitsfähigkeit und zum Lernen: Methodische Verfahren und Implikationen. Dissertation, Universität Koblenz-Landau.

Schröter, Y., Mengelkamp, C., & Jäger, R. S. (2008). Key concept multiculturalism: survey of elites on dual citizenship in germany. In D. Kalekin-Fishman & P. Pitkänen (Eds.), An emerging institution? Multiple citizenship in europe - views of officials (Vol. 419, pp. 91-125). Peter Lang.

Jäger, R. S., & Mengelkamp, C. (2006). Das Bildungsbarometer: Begründung, Implementation und erste Ergebnisse. In I. Hosenfeld & F.-W. Schrader (Eds.), Schulische Leistung. Grundlagen, Bedingungen, Perspektiven (pp. 41-63). Waxmann.

Mengelkamp, C., & Schröter, Y. M. (2005). Elitenbefragung zur mehrfachen Staatsangehörigkeit in Deutschland. In Y. M. Schröter, C. Mengelkamp & R. S. Jäger (Eds.), Doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft - ein gesellschaftlicher Diskurs über Mehrstaatigkeit (S. 142-170). Verlag Empirische Pädagogik.

Schröter, Y. M., Mengelkamp, C., & Jäger, R. S. (Eds.). (2005). Doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft - ein gesellschaftlicher Diskurs über Mehrstaatigkeit. Verlag Empirische Pädagogik.