Deutsch Intern
Psychology of Communication and New Media

Courses, Teachers, and Credits

Courses, Teachers, and Credits


The curriculum of SALON Summer Module Course was designed to offer diverse opportunities to broaden your knowledge about the psychology of narrative impact and to improve your methodological skills.

  • Morning lectures will provide cross-cutting, state of the art perspectives on important research topics in the field. All morning lectures are given by internationally renowned experts.
  • Hot-topic sessions provide a chance to work with one of our teachers in depth on a current topic of interest based on selected papers. The outcome will not only be a deeper insight into the matter. You might as well develop new research questions, and ideally, this will set off a long-lasting collaboration. Select hot-topic sessions will also offer the possibility to discuss your own research (e.g., dissertation projects) with the expert teachers and your fellows. Hot-topic sessions will last for one or two days, and you may choose from several topics being offered.
  • Our workshops are geared towards improving important methodological skills. Most of the workshops last one day, and you may choose up to four workshops from several being offered.

Click here to see the detailed course program.


Invited speakers for the morning lectures:


Invited teachers of hot-topic sessions or workshops:

Local teachers:


In line with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), all successful participants of SALON Summer Module Coursel will receive a detailed Certificate of Attendance and a certificate of 4 ECTS points.