Deutsch Intern
Psychology of Communication and New Media


Invited Talks & Panels of Experts

Weber, S. (11/2021). Selbstdarstellung auf Instagram: Narzissmus, Wohlbefinden und soziale Vergleiche auf sozialen Netzwerkseiten. Vortrag auf der 16. Tagung zu Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen und Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapeutischen Behandlungsansätzen, Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel.

Weber, S. (10/2021). Geschlechterstereotype in den Medien – Schnee von gestern? Psychologische Konsequenzen gender-stereotyper Darstellungen in Comedy, Instagram & Co. Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung „Gender und Medien“ des Genderforums der Universität Würzburg.

Weber, S. (01/2021). Starke Frauen, schöne Männer? Auswirkungen stereotyp(in-)konsistenter Darstellungen in Comedy, Werbung, Instagram & Co. Vortrag im Department Kolloquium des Psychologischen Instituts der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Weber, S. (10/2020). „You are what you see?“ Auswirkungen stereotyper (Selbst-) Darstellungen in TV, Comedy, Instagram & Co. Vortrag auf der QueerWeber-Kurztagung „Framing queerer Identitäten in den Massenmedien“.

Weber, S. (09/2020). Zukunftshoffnungen der österreichischen Migrationsforschung: Theoretische und methodologische Neuansätze. „Roundtable-Diskussion“ mit PreisträgerInnen des ÖAW Dissertationspreises für Migrationsforschung. 6. Jahrestagung für Migrations- und Integrationsforschung in Österreich, Salzburg, Österreich.

Weber, S. (11/2017). Auswirkungen von Stereotypen in den Medien. Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Abteilung für Sozialpsychologie, Erlangen, Deutschland.

Weber, S. & Lorenz, C. (03/2017). Our friends and helpers - Smartphones as a measurement tool and delivery channel for personalized health interventions. Keynote beim “HealthNar” Symposium, Antwerpen, Belgien.

Weber, S. (04/2015). Social Identity and School Performance among Adolescent Immigrants in Germany. Vortrag am Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW, Sydney, Australien.

Conference Contributions


Weber, S. (06/2024). Beyond Stereotypes: Increasing Women’s Identification Potential with Male Role Models in Entrepreneurship. Blitz-Talk, EASP Meeting on Social Identity, Leadership and Health, Brussels, Belgium.

Weber, S., Kachel, S., & Bindal, Z. (07/2027). Joke or Threat? Gender-Differences in the Perception of and Reaction to Gender-Disparaging Humor. Poster, 11th European Conference of Positive Psychology, Innsbruck, Austria.

Weber, S., Reißner, C., & Hutmacher, F. (09/2024). Still a Matter of Gender? Exploring the Impact of Parental Leave Duration on Evaluations of Agency and Communion in Male and Female Job Applicants. Talk, 53rd Conference of the German Psychological Society, Vienna, Austria.


Weber, S., Kachel, S., Bindal, Z., & Görsch, P. (09/2023). Not funny? Female- and male-disparaging jokes as a source of threat. Talk, 18th Meeting of the DGPs Subdivision Social Psychology, Graz, Austria.


Mengelkamp, C., Friedrich, T., & Weber, S. (05/2022). Body-Positivity on Instagram: Downward Comparison rather than Inspiration? Paper presentation, International Communication Association, 72nd Annual Conference, Paris, France.


Weber, S. (10/2021). Selbstdarstellung und Soziale Identität: Der Einfluss von Selfies auf Gender-Identität und akademisches Selbst. Talk, 1. Workshop des Selfie-Forschungsnetzwerks 2021, Hochschule für Philosophie München, Germany.

Weber, S., Galstyan, H., & Ströle, E. (09/2021). Social Comparison on Instagram: Assimilation as the Key to a Positive Body Image? Poster, 12th Conference of the DGPs Media Psychology Division, Aachen, Germany.

Weber, S., Messingschlager, T., & Stein, J. P. (05/2021). Intervening in Instagram: Can Cognitive Countermeasures Reduce the Negative Consequences of Social Comparisons? Talk, Promising Early Career Papers of Information Systems, 71st Conference of the International Communication Association.


Weber, S., Klingelhöfer, J., & Appel, M. (05/2020). The effects of sexist comedy on benevolent sexism and domain identification. Poster & Talk, 70th Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia. (Converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19)

Weber, S., Lorenz, C., & Hemmings, N. (05/2020). Mobile health interventions support mental health in the workplace: A large-scale randomised control trial. Talk, 70th Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia. (Converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19)


Weber, S., Marker, C., Friedrich, J., & Sittinger, P. (09/2018). #Fitspiration: The influence of body-focused Instagram trends on body image and self-esteem. Talk as part of the Symposium on How gender stereotypes shape the perception of the self and others, 51st Conference of the German Psychological Society, Frankfurt, Germany.

Weber, S., & Schubert, A. (05/2018). Staying in or coming-out? A narrative blog post improves attitudes towards people living with HIV. Poster, 68th Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic. 

Weber, S., Stiglbauer, B., Kronberger, N., & Appel, M. (04/2018). Kulturelle Identität beeinflusst das Wohlbefinden von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund: Eine längsschnittliche Analyse intraindividueller Veränderungen. Talk, 13th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society, Linz, Austria.

Schreiner, C., Salb, A., Weber, S., & Appel, M. (04/2018). Sind Bücherwürmer die besseren Menschen? Der Zusammenhang von Belesenheit, Theory of Mind, Empathie und Fairness. Talk, 13th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society, Linz, Austria.

Weber, S., Messingschlager, R., & Oszfolk, N. (02/2018). Social Comparison Behavior on Social Media: The influence of cognitive re-evaluations. Poster, Conference for General Online Research GOR 2018, Cologne, Germany. [Winner of the GOR Poster Award 2018]


Weber, S. & Stiglbauer, B. (09/2017). A picture paints a thousand words: Taking “Selfies” strengthens the link between the self and a place. Talk, 10th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, Landau, Germany.

Weber, S. & Appel., M. (07/2017). The influence of gender-stereotypic comedy on women’s test performance: A big laugh? Talk, 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain.

Weber, S. & Hagmayer, Y. (07/2017). Stop thinking about the Joneses! Increasing wellbeing by decreasing rumination about social comparisons. Talk, Preconference on The Self-Regulation of Health, Preceding the 2017 EASP General Meeting in Granada, Spain.


Weber, S. & Appel, M. (09/2016). The Influence of Gender-Stereotypic Comedy on Women’s Cognitive Performance. Talk as part of the Symposium on The Psychology of Social Inequality - Are Times Changing? Prevailing Presence and Consequences of Gender Stereotypes in Modern Societies, 50th Conference of the German Psychological Society, Leipzig, Germany.

Appel, M. & Weber, S. (05/2016). Do stereotypes in the media impair members of stereotyped groups? A meta-analysis on stereotype threat. Poster & Talk, 66th Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.

Weber, S. & Appel, M. (05/2016). Sexist comedy reduces women’s intelligence test performance: Does it hurt if it is funny? Poster & Talk, 66th Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.

Weber, S., Appel, M., & Kronberger, N. (04/2016). Stereotype Threat und Kulturelle Identität: Eine experimentelle Längsschnittstudie von Vulnerabilität und Leistung von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund in Österreich. Talk, 12th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society, Innsbruck, Austria.


Weber, S. & Appel, M. (12/2015). Das wäre doch gelacht! Der Einfluss gender-stereotyper Comedy auf die kognitive Leistung von Frauen. Poster, 3rd Gender and Diversity Symposium, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany.

Weber, S., Appel, M., & Kronberger, N. (09/2015). Cultural identity as a predictor for
educational achievement of immigrant students under stereotype threat.
 Talk, 3rd Annual Conference on Migration and Diversity, Science Center Berlin, Germany.

Weber, S., Appel, M., & Kronberger, N. (09/2015). Social identity as a predictor of school performance and well-being of adolescent immigrants: A longitudinal field-experiment. Talk, 15th Meeting of the German Psychological Society, Subdivision Social Psychology, Potsdam, Germany.


Weber, S. & Appel, M. (12/2014). Stereotype Threat bei Männern im Bereich verbaler Kompetenz. Poster & Talk, 2nd Gender and Diversity Symposium, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany.

Weber, S., Appel, M., & Kronberger, N. (09/2014). Ressourcenorientierte Interventionen zur Reduktion der negativen Einflüsse von Stereotype Threat bei Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund: Soziale Identität, kognitive Leistung und Wohlbefinden. Talk, 49th Conference of the German Psychological Society, Bochum, Germany.

Weber, S., Appel, M., & Kronberger, N. (07/2014). Buffering the Effects of Stereotype Threat among Adolescent Immigrants: Social Identity, Sense of Belonging, and Well-being. Talk, 7th European Conference of Positive Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Weber, S., Appel, M., & Kronberger, N. (07/2014). Social Identity Threat reduces the cognitive performance of immigrants: A meta-analytic review. Talk, 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Weber, S., Appel, M., & Kronberger, N. (04/2014). Stereotype Threat und kognitive Leistung bei Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund in Österreich: Die Bedeutung von sozialer Identität und Akkulturation. Talk, 11th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society, Vienna, Austria.

2013 and Earlier

Weber, S., Appel, M. & Kronberger, N. (09/2013). Soziale Identität und kognitive Leistung bei Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund. Talk, 14th Meeting of the German Psychological Society, Subdivision Educational Psychology, Hildesheim, Germany.

Weber, S. (06/2013). Social identity and cognitive performance among adolescent immigrants in Austria. Talk, SoDoc Workshop 2013, Cologne, Germany.

Hagmayer, Y. & Weber, S. (05/2009). Investigating how clinicians choose among interventions: A new experimental approach. Talk, 4th European Workshop of Causal Reasoning in Clinical Decision Making, Malaga, Spain.