
As part of the bachelor's degree program in Media Communication, the members of the Department of Psychology of Communication and New Media participates in the following modules and courses:
(current status: examination regulations 2021)
- Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation 1 in the 1st semester [module abbreviation 06-MK-OMK1-212-m01]
- Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation 2 in the 2nd semester [module abbreviation 06-MK-OMK2-212-m01]
- Anwendungsfelder der Medienkommunikation, in the 6th semester [module abbreviation 06-MK-MedAnw-212-m01]
- Grundlagen 3 – psychologische Grundlagen für Medienkommunikation 2 („Basics of social and organizational psychology“) in the 2nd semester [module abbreviation 06-MK-Gr3-212-m01]
- Datenerhebung 2 („Experiment and survey“) in the 3rd semester [module abbreviation 06-MK-DATE2-212-m01]
- Datenanalyse („Data analysis with SPSS“) in the 4th semester [module abbreviation 06-MK-DATA-212-m01]
- Forschungsprojekt in der Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation 1 („Research project") in the 4th semester [module abbreviation 06-MK-VertOMK1-212-m01]
- Forschungsprojekt in der Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation 2 („Research project") in the 4th semester [module abbreviation 06-MK-VertOMK1-212-m01]
- Medienproduktion/Medienanalyse 1 in the 3rd semester [module abbreviation: 06-MK-MedProd1-162-m01]
- Medienproduktion/Medienanalyse 2 in the 4th semester [module abbreviation: 06-MK-MedProd2-162-m01]
- Projekt Medienpraxis („Practical seminar“) in the 6th semester [module abbreviation: 06-MK-PRAX-212-m01]
- Forschungsthemen in der Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation 1 in the 5th semester [module abbreviation: 06-MK-WpOMK1-212-m01]
- Forschungsthemen in der Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation 2 in the 6th semester [module abbreviation: 06-MK-WpOMK2-212-mo1]
- Unternehmenskommunikation und Personal (Seminar „Personnel development and diagnostics“) in the 4th semester [module abbreviation: 06-MK-CC-212-m01]
- Bachelor thesis in the 6th semester

As part of the Master's program in Media Communication, the members of the Department of Psychology of Communication and New Media participate in the following modules and courses:
(current status: examination regulations 2018)
- Methods 2 („Advanced methods of data collection“) [module abbreviation: 06-MK-ME2-152-m01]
- Online and Mobile Communication [module abbreviation: 06-MK-ENM-182-m01]
- Research Project [module abbreviation: 06-MK-RP-162-m01]
- Advanced Studies 1 [module abbreviation: 06-MK-AS1-152-m01]
- Advanced Studies 2 [module abbreviation: 06-MK-AS2-152-m01]
- Masterthesis

Every semester, the Chair of Psychology of Communication and New Media offers final theses on the research topics of the staff members. The research takes place in the form of empirical studies (online or in the lab). This includes statistical data analysis based on the knowledge taught so far. Additional statistical procedures can be implemented upon request. For more in-depth statistical questions concerning theses at the Chair of Psychology of Communication and New Media, a statistical consulting service is available to the students concerned. Theses in cooperation with the private sector are possible in principle, but require more extensive planning and coordination with the supervisor. If you are interested in a special topic, please feel free to contact us.
WueCampus course for thesis candidates of the Chair of Communication Psychology and New Media:

Different examination formats are offered in the various modules. You will find an overview of the examination formats possible within the individual modules in the examination regulations that apply to you. The examination regulations can be found on the web pages of the examination office under "Legal and Statutes". The examination regulations can be found under the following links:
For students who started from the winter semester 2021/2022: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Ordnungen/Medienkommunikation-BA-180-4aes-20210310-kon-Netz.pdf
For students who have started from the winter semester 2017/2018: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32020000/Ordnungen/Medienkommunikation-BA-180-2aes-20171025-kon-Netz.pdf
At the end of Prüfungsordnung you will find a table that extends over several pages. This table contains the framework data for all examinations in the Bachelor's program (a similar document exists for the Master's program). In column 9 "Type and scope of the examination", the possible forms of the examinations according to examination law are specified. Examinations are generally possible in German and in English. Some examinations can be provided with a bonus. The indication of which examinations allow the acquisition of a bonus can be found in column 12 "Bonus capability". The decision on examination forms and bonuses is formally incumbent on the lecturers with the approval of the person responsible for the module (i.e. the respective professor).

The Chair of Psychology of Communication and New Media conducts the internal student advisory service for students of the Master's program Psychology of Digital Media.
Contact person: Tanja Messingschlager
For more information on the program, theses, internships, and study abroad, see the WueCampus course offered by the Student Advisory Service: https://wuecampus.uni-wuerzburg.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=56898

- Dr. Caroline Marker (LinkedIn), Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation II (SoSe2021)
- Dr. Benny Liebold (Website), Medienproduktion (WS 2019/20)
- Dr. Christoph Sonnenberg (Researchgate), Projekt Medienpraxis (SoSe 2019, SoSe 2020, SoSe 2021, SoSe 2022, SoSe 2023, WS 2023/24)
- Dr. Constanze Schreiner (LinkedIn), Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation 2 (SoSe 2019, SoSe 2020, SoSe 2021), Personalentwicklung und -diagnostik (WS 2022/23), Medienpraxis (WS 2023/24)
- Dr. Guido Vogt, Medienproduktion (WS 2017/18, WS 2018/19, WS 2019/20)
- Dr. Peter Holtz, Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation 2 (SoSe 2018)
- Birgit Heilig (LinkedIn), Medienproduktion (WS 2017/18, WS 2018/19, WS 2019/20, WS 2020/21, WS 2021/22, WS 2022/23, WS 2023/24)
- Boris Wieloch (Website), Projekt Medienpraxis (WS 2017/18)
- Christopher Lorenz (LinkedIn), Projekt Medienpraxis (WS 2017/18), Medienproduktion (WS 2017/18, WS 2019/20, WS 2020/21, WS 2021/22)
- Michael Wunsch (LinkedIn), Medienproduktion (WS 2017/18, WS 2018/19, WS 2019/20, WS 2020/21, WS 2021/22, WS 2022/23, WS 2023/24)
- Yvonne Bauer (LinkedIn), Medienproduktion (WS 2017/18)