Deutsch Intern
Psychology of Communication and New Media


Journal Articles (peer reviewed)

Messingschlager, T. V., & Appel, M. (in press). Mind ascribed to AI and the appreciation of AI-generated art. New Media & Society, Advance online publication.

Messingschlager, T. V., & Appel, M. (in press). Creative artificial intelligence and narrative transportation. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.

Stein, J.-P., Messingschlager, T., Gnambs, T., Hutmacher, F., & Appel, M. (2024). Attitudes towards AI: measurement and associations with personality. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 2909.

Weber, S., Messingschlager, T., & Stein, J.-P. (2022). This is an Insta-vention! Exploring cognitive countermeasures to reduce negative consequences of social comparisons on Instagram. Media Psychology, 25(3), 411-440.

Donnermann, M.1, Lein, M.1, Messingschlager, T.1, Riedmann, A.1, Schaper, P.1, Steinhaeusser, S.1, & Lugrin, B. (2021). Social Robots and Gamification for technology supported learning: An empirical study on engagement and motivation. Computers in Human Behavior, 121, Article 106792.


Stein, J.-P., Messingschlager, T. & Hutmacher, F. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Eds.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (pp. 247–260). Springer.

Messingschlager, T., & Holtz, P. (2020). Filter Bubbles und Echo Chambers. Besser unter sich bleiben? In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 91-102). Springer. 

Science Communication

Messingschlager, T., Weber, S. (2018). Spielend fitter werden? Ein Level-Up für die Gesundheit!. In-Mind Magazin, Blog.

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