Deutsch Intern

    Is 'Iron Man 2' Right? Re-Investigating 3D User Interfaces, 06.06.2012, 17-19 Uhr


    Three-dimensional (3D) user interfaces are popular in movies. There are also many current systems that enable people to interact with 3D content, including computer games. We re-investigate the ideas behind such 3D user interfaces and present innovative solutions based on the capabilities and limitations of both humans and technologies.

    Der Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stürzlinger findet im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung der Fachschaftsinitiative Mensch-Computer-Systeme statt. Der Vortrag wird am Mittwoch den 06.06.2012 im Zentralen Hörsaal und Seminargebäude (ZHSSG), Raum 2.003 von 17-19 Uhr gehalten.

    Weitere Informationen finden Sie im WueCampus-Kurs der Ringvorlesung.
