Deutsch Intern

    Beyond the Trolley Problem: New Directions in Engineering Ethics


    Am 26.6.19 begrüßen wir den Medienethiker Prof. Dr. Charles Ess von der Uni Oslo bei uns am Institut. Er wird für den Master HCI einen Vortrag halten. Alle Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen. Der Vortrag ist Teil der Vorlesung Mensch-Technik-Gesellschaft und findet 16-18 Uhr (c.t.) im Zentralen Hörsaalgebäude Z6, Raum 1.010, statt.

    Over the last decade or so, ethical reflections and applications in ICT – including the increasingly critical domains of Artificial Intelligence – have blossomed in remarkable ways.  Familiar utilitarian, “cost-benefit” approaches – exemplified in the Trolley Problem as a central approach to programming self-driving vehicles – are increasingly supplanted by a range of more sophisticated and nuanced ethical frameworks, including deontology, virtue ethics, feminist ethics, ethics of care, and “slow tech.”  I will introduce each of these frameworks and illustrate their applications in diverse domains, including: care ethics in robotic designs and a social media data-scraping system for aiding emergency responses to natural disasters; virtue ethics in network engineering; deontology and virtue ethics in both EU policy regarding AI and the IEEE development of “ethically aligned design”; and “slow tech” examples such as the Fairphone. These developments document the growing importance of ethics as intrinsic to good design in ICT.

    Mehr zu Charles Ess:

    Der Vortrag wird aus Studienzuschüssen finanziert.

