Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme


This year's summer expo is on the 19th of July 2024. Feel free to visit and experience a lot of interesting projects.


XR Hub @ Girls' Day


The Girls' Day took place on April 25th, 2024, and was a great success! Together with the XR Hum Nuremberg we conducted parallel workshops where the girls got familiar with XR technologies and learned about the background of designing XR experiences.


The XR Hub Würzburg and HiAvA attended the XR Expo in Stuttgart, where they made valuable connections with attendees from academia and industry.


On 22 January, members of the HCI group visited the 6th grade of the Marktheidenfeld Gymnasium to give a workshop. Using virtual reality goggles, they experienced how distressing it can be to experience insults and threats, and what can be done about it.


We welcomed pupils to the university-wide Studien-Info-Tag, where prospective students had the opportunity to join our lab tor entitled "AI, Metaverse and User Experience: Understanding and Designing Digital Worlds in the Human-Computer Interaction degree program".


The Winter EXPO 2023/24 for MCS/HCI was a great success! Thank you to all those involved and to all visitors!
