Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme

AIL AT WORK meets Federal Minister Hubertus Heil to explore the design of AI colleagues in Virtual Reality


During the KI-Studios project launch at the Fraunhofer IAO in Munich, the AIL AT WORK team demonstrated how AI can be leveraged in the context of different workplaces.

AIL AT WORK project team members (Philipp Krop, Samantha Straka, Prof. Carolin Wienrich) showed virtual reality approaches during the KI-Studios project launch at the Fraunhofer IAO in Munich.

On September 12, Federal Minister Hubertus Heil opened the first KI-Studio at the Fraunhofer IAO in Munich. The AIL AT Work project has shown how the "AI colleague" (Quote Hubertus Heil) can look at various workplaces. Interactions with AI at various workplaces could be experienced in virtual reality. The demonstrators showed that successful collaboration does not only depend on the competence of an AI. The appearance and behavior of an AI are also relevant for the development of a trusting working relationship between human and AI.

The Federal Minister and members of the press showed keen interest in the possibilities that virtual reality offers for AI design and experience.

More information about the featured project can be found here:

 Fotos: Ludmilla Parsyak © Fraunhofer IAO


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