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psychological ergonomics

Welche Rollen nehmen interaktive Technologien in heutigen Ritualen ein? Neuer Artikel in Interacting with Computers


Ob Hochzeiten mittels Smartphones organisieren und dokumentieren, zu Beginn einer festen Beziehung gemeinsam die Dating-App-Profile löschen, oder zu Beginn des Studiums das Smartphone neu aufsetzen und studiumsbezogene Apps (statt Spiele) auf den Startbildschirm setzen – interaktive Technologien werden vielfach in heutigen Ritualen eingesetzt.

Doch wie unterschieden sich die unterschiedlichen Technologieeinsätze und was bedeutet das für die Gestaltung von interaktiven Technologien für (Übergangs-)Rituale? Damit beschäftigt sich ein neuer Artikel von Sara Wolf und Jörn Hurtienne gemeinsam mit Frauke Mörike (TU Berlin) und Diana Löffler (DKB Code Factory, fünfpunktnull): ‘I Did Digital Tidying up for a More Adult Stage of Life’: Ritualistic Technology Appropriations During Life Transitions



Life transitions, such as the transition from childhood to adulthood, are often accompanied by meaning-making actions such as rituals. Rituals increasingly involve the use of interactive technology. While previous research has focused on specific contexts or technologies, a bird’s eye view of the many appropriation styles during life transitions is missing. To identify the range of technology’s appropriations, we analysed stories from 84 participants and compared these across different life transitions and technologies. We identified three roles interactive technology can play during life transitions: the role of (i) a facilitator easing the accomplishment of tasks within life transitions, (ii) an enabler creating opportunities for new transition rituals and (iii) a social actor that itself is the trigger or the content of transition rituals. We propose the three roles as a classification scheme to structure existing and future research and reflect on the design challenges and evaluation approaches.



Sara Wolf, Frauke Mörike, Diana Löffler, Jörn Hurtienne, ‘I Did Digital Tidying up for a More Adult Stage of Life’: Ritualistic Technology Appropriations During Life Transitions, Interacting with Computers, 2023; iwad001,
