Deutsch Intern
psychological ergonomics

Gastvortrag von Prof. Penelope Sanderson


Titel: "Head-worn displays in healthcare: how do we design for attention?" Wann & Wo: Do, 21.3, 10:30 Uhr, Bib. & Seminarzentrum Raum 00.209, Campus Hubland Nord

Im Rahmen der Mensch-Computer-Systeme Ringvorlesung wird Prof. Sanderson am Do, 21.3., 10:30 Uhr (Bib. & Seminarzentrum Raum 00.209, Campus Hubland Nord), einen Gastvortrag mit dem Titel “Head-worn displays in healthcare: how do we design for attention?” halten. Jeder ist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen!

Penelope Sanderson is Professor of Cognitive Engineering and Human Factors at The University of Queensland, Australia, where she has appointments in the Schools of Psychology, of Medicine, and of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering ( ). Sanderson received her PhD from University of Toronto in 1985, and worked at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the USA and at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, before taking up her present position in 2001.

Her research interests lie in the analysis, modelling, design, and evaluation of complex safety critical systems. She has worked principally in the domains of electrical power generation and transmission, air defence, air traffic control, and healthcare. Problems that Sanderson and her students have addressed in recent research include the following: the design and evaluation of "ecological" displays for hydropower plant controllers; the design and evaluation of auditory displays and head-worn displays for monitoring critical care patients; and studies of "distributed" prospective memory performance in healthcare, including the impact of interruptions on work.

Sanderson is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and also of the US-based Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). She has twice received the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society's Jerome Ely Award for the best paper in the journal Human Factors, in 1990 and 2005. She received the HFES Distinguished International Colleague Award in 2004 and the HFES Paul M. Fitts Education Award in 2012. In 2012 she also received the American Psychological Association Division 21 Franklin V. Taylor Award for Outstanding Contributions to Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology.
