Psychologische Ergonomie

Neue Publikation von Grundgeiger et al in Ergonomics


"Prospective memory in intensive care nursing: A representative and controlled patient simulator study"


Despite the potential dangers of clinical tasks being forgotten, few researchers have investigated prospective memory (PM) – the ability to remember to execute future tasks – in health-care contexts. Visual cues help people remember to execute intentions at the appropriate moment. Using an intensive care unit simulator, we investigated whether nurses' memory for future tasks improves when visual cues are present, and how nurses manage PM demands. Twenty-four nurses participated in a 40-minute scenario simulating the start of a morning shift. The scenario included eight PM tasks. The presence or absence of a visually conspicuous cue for each task was manipulated. The presence of a visual cue improved recall compared to no cue (64% vs. 50%, p = 0.03 one-tailed, η p 2 = 0.15). Nurses used deliberate reminders to manage their PM demands. PM in critical care might be supported by increasing the visibility of cues related to tasks.

Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P. M., Beltran Orihuela, C., Thompson, A., MacDougall, H. G., Nunnink, L., & Venkatesh, B. (2013). Prospective memory in intensive care nursing: A representative and controlled patient simulator study. Ergonomics, 56(4), 579-589.
