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psychological ergonomics

PsyErgo, HCI und MTS auf der CHI‘22


Die ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (kurz „CHI“) fand nach mehreren online-only Durchgängen in diesem Jahr hybrid statt: Ein großer Teil der Teilnehmer:innen traf sich vor Ort in New Orleans und zusätzlich konnte man sich online zuschalten. Die CHI-Konferenz gilt als die größte Konferenz im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und die Uni Würzburg war mit drei Fachbereichen vertreten: PsyErgo, HCI und MTS stellten Vorträge online und vor Ort vor. Sara Wolf nahm am Workshop zu „Integrating faith, religion, and spirituality in HCI“ teil und sprach über die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zwischen Theologie und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion.


Current trends in technology suggest that making everything available (e.g., services, products, other people) is a valuable end in itself and that the whole person can be understood and addressed if only enough data is collected and processed about them. Our work in projects with HCI researchers and Protestant theologians made us question such assumptions. In this position paper, we share two themes that emerged from our interdisciplinary work on technologically-mediated religious communication, namely unavailability and holism. We argue that unavailability is an essential condition of being human and that being human consists of more than just a static sum of its parts. We present related examples from our work and detail the Protestant theological perspective on unavailability and holism. In doing so, we hope to bring new impetus to HCI and to stimulate reflection.

Sara Wolf and Simon Luthe. 2022. Unavailability and Holism: Rethinking HCI with Concepts from Theology. In The Workshop on Integrating Faith, Religion, and Spirituality in HCI at the ACM CHI Conference On Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI’22. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.


Ein weiterer Beitrag von Sara Wolf beschäftigte sich mit Onlinegottesdiensterfahrungen während der COVID-19-Pandemie.



Since the COVID-19 pandemics, we have witnessed an increase in online worship services. Nevertheless, HCI has little insight into how technological mediation infuences religious experiences and how technology should be designed for use in religious contexts. Therefore, we see a unique opportunity to understand better real- world experiences of technology use in religious rituals and, more specifcally, in online worship services. Inspired by contextual de- sign, We virtually observed and interviewed eight persons during and after participation in online worship services. We identifed a feld of tension between faith, everyday life, individuality, and community. The data suggests that current online worship service systems do not account for believers’ needs for community, faith, or extraordinariness. We discuss opportunities for future research and design, and aim to contribute to the understanding of online worship service experiences and the design of technology-mediated religious experiences.

Sara Wolf, Frauke Moerike, Simon Luthe, Ilona Nord, and Jörn Hurtienne. 2022. Spirituality at the Breakfast Table: Experiences of Christian Online Worship Services. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts(CHI EA '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 316, 1–7.

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