Deutsch Intern
Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme

PIIS, HCI and PsyErgo at the CHI´22


Die ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (kurz „CHI“) fand nach mehreren online-only Durchgängen in diesem Jahr hybrid statt. Die CHI-Konferenz gilt als die größte Konferenz im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und die Uni Würzburg war mit drei Fachbereichen vertreten: PIIS, HCI und PsyErgo stellten Vorträge online und vor Ort vor. Nina Döllinger stellte ihre Arbeit zur Körperwahrnehmung in virtuellen Avataren vor.

Mind-body therapies aim to improve health by combining physical and mental exercises. Recent developments tend to incorporate virtual reality (VR) into their design and execution, but there is a lack of research concerning the inclusion of virtual bodies and their effect on body awareness in these designs. In this study, 24 participants performed in-VR body awareness movement tasks in front of a virtual mirror while embodying a photorealistic, personalized avatar. Subsequently, they performed a heartbeat counting task and rated their perceived body awareness and sense of embodiment towards the avatar. We found a significant relationship between sense of embodiment and self-reported body awareness but not between sense of embodiment and heartbeat counting. Future work can build on these findings and further explore the relationship between avatar embodiment and body awareness.

Nina Döllinger, Erik Wolf, David Mal, Nico Erdmannsdörfer, Mario Botsch, Marc Erich Latoschik, Carolin Wienrich, Virtual Reality for Mind and Body: Does the Sense of Embodiment Towards a Virtual Body Affect Physical Body Awareness?, In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, pp. 1-7. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022.


